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Local Entrepreneur Has Launched the Marketing of Her Soon To Be Self-Published Book with A Pre-Sale

Self-Publishing Author Gets A Jump Start on Creating A Successful Book

Launch by Seeking Out “Early Adopters” with the Pre-Sale of Her Book

Middletown, Delaware – According to various sources, more than 80% of Americans have a desire to write a book. With the reduction of the stigma of self-publishing, more and more would-be-authors are realizing this goal. Whether through traditional publishing or self-publishing, marketing and promotion are still vital to the success of any book. One aspect of creating early success is in identifying early adopters through pre-sales and engaging them as a community prior to the book’s publication.

Entrepreneur Nadine Owens Burton is preparing for the publication of her first book based on one of her popular quality improvement themes: What Color Is Your Imagination? She has begun with a Pre-Sale promotion. Those who purchase during this pre-sale period will have their names printed in the book when it is published in May. They will also be given other incentives which Ms. Owens Burton hopes will engage them as a community for the book prior to its availability in print.

What Color Is Your Imagination? takes inspiration from a conversation with Ms. Owens Burton’s then preschool aged son during a car ride home. That four-year-old’s question and subsequent declaration about the color of his imagination developed into a lesson on problem-solving for her staff while as a Head Start Director. It has since provided information and inspiration for various other teams. For the past decade plus, Ms. Owens Burton has presented workshops and keynotes based on the theme through her company, Owens Burton Consulting. She is now putting those lessons into a book.

To increase awareness of the book, Ms. Owens Burton has released an excerpt of it on her website. Found on the page ( is the introduction chapter, which tells the story of how she was inspired to develop the initial keynote speech by a conversation with her then four-year-old son. Those whose interest is piqued by this introduction can then download a pdf of several other book chapters, including the ones on Yellow Imagination and Blue Imagination.

About What Color Is Your Imagination? ™ (WCIYI)

What Color Is Your Imagination? ™ is Who Moved My Cheese?© meets 7 Habits of highly Effective People©. It starts with a metaphor where the types of problem-solving behaviors and environments are represented by an assortment of colors. For example, Yellow Imagination is the “we’ve always done it that way” type of imagination, or the imagination of fear. Green Imagination sees creativity as a commodity to be traded and, therefore, is highly impacted by personal motivations and incentives. White Imagination is the implementation of the creativity of others and is therefore not as “vivid” and “vibrant,” is less impactful than original ideas. Black Imagination is what we would call the “mad genius” type of imagination. Those exhibiting this type of imagination are the ones about whom we usually wish, “If they would only use their powers for good.” That ideal is Purple Imagination. It is the combination of Red Imagination and Blue Imagination. If we take Red Imagination (love, passion, and enthusiasm) and combined it with Blue Imagination (analytics, statistics, and empiricism) we get Purple Imagination: a synergistic, almost exponentially beneficial relationship where innovation and invention occur. The second half of the book gives the reader ten ways to increase their chances of creating their own Purple Imagination.

About Nadine Owens Burton

Ms. Owens Burton has been a teacher, a university administrator and a Head Start Director. Since 2005 she has been the President of her own speaking and quality improvement services company, Owens Burton Consulting. The book What Color Is Your Imagination? is the first in a plan to publish books for each of her three proprietary quality improvement themes. The next in the series will be The Power of CARE™, followed by The Promising Professional™.

About Owens Burton Consulting, LLC

The mission of Owens Burton Consulting (OBC) is to provide clients and audiences with quality training and keynote services that provide information, inspiration and strategies for implementation, thus creating effective and efficient personal and professional lives.


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