Frequently Asked Questions
Every client has their own unique needs and organizational structure, but there are a few things that are universal. Here are a few of the frequent questions that arise when considering Owens Burton Consulting to meet your training and speaking needs. If you have other general questions that are not addressed here, please feel free to contact us.
01 How do we start the process?
We start our business relationship and my meeting your training and speaking needs with a discussion of your event or challenges. I like to have new clients fill out a Pre-Client Questionnaire. This form asks you a variety of questions about your needs, your audience and the goals of your event. From our conversation(s) and this questionnaire, I draft a Proposal/Contract that details what services I would provide and our mutual responsibilities as Client and Vendor. The first step is to contact me to start the conversation.
02 What are your rates?
My rates vary depending on the type of services and the subject of the workshop or keynote - some titles have more materials involved than others. Workshops fees are by the half day (under 3.5 hours) or the full day (4 hours or more). Half-Day workshops range between $1,600 and $5,000 and Full-Day workshops range from $2,100 to $10,000. These rates are for up to 25 attendees. For workshop groups larger than this, there is a nominal fee to cover extra materials and supplies, usually $5-10 per extra person above 25.
Please contact me to discuss the rates for keynote speaking and consultation services.
03 Do you provide discount opportunities?
Yes. As one who is familiar with the in-kind requirements of Head Start Programs, I give a 50% automatic in-kind discount from my business rates to eligible Head Start programs. This is detailed on the invoice and I am happy to provide any additional documentation on the in-kind discount.
Likewise, I provide clients the opportunity to actualize a 10-20% discount of service fees for pre-payment. And very often, for long term and repeat clients, I offer "Great Client" discounts.
04 Can a client pay by credit card?
Yes. I have the ability to send clients electronic invoices through my Square Store. Just inform me at the time of contract signing and I will forward the invoice for payment by credit card.
05 How far in advance of our event date should we contact you?
I like to have the final Pre-Client Questionnaire -- not all details might be known at first contact -- within two weeks of any training or speaking event. This allows me to do any customization of your presentation and fully prepare. However, if you want a fully customized presentation or workshop, it's best to contact me several months in advance. I need time to learn and understand your training needs and your audience to be an effective educator.