Take Your Shot!
When I was a high school senior, applying for scholarships to help pay for the cost of college, I relied on a great many sources to tell...
In Fairfax County, Virginia
A great day of training at the Fairfax County Head Start program in Virginia.
At Maryland Family Network
Ready for a great day of inspiration and peer learning with Maryland Family Network in their Baltimore conference room! #HeadStartWorks...
Creating a Welcoming Environment
Thank you Maryland Family Network for another opportunity to present at your professional development conference and to work with some of...
Throwback Scone
I love working with the parents and staff leaders within Head Start and Community Action Agencies. Even the ones who don't bring me...
Returning to a Great Client in New Jersey
It is great to be back for another year with the parent and staff leaders of Gateway Community Action Partnership in New Jersey.
Program Governance on the Shore
Program Governance training in Maryland today at the Chesapeake Center. Looking forward to a great day of learning how #HeadStartWorks...
Program Governance with Catholic Charities of Baltimore
OBC offers Program Governance Training for Head Start and Early Head Start Programs. Today I aas with Catholic Charities of Baltimore for...
It's Pre-Service and All-Staff Season
Contact Me! I'm scheduling workshops and trainings for this fall.
Returning to an Old Client
Today I returned to a client from the past. I first did a training for the Fairfax County Office for Children Head Start Program in...