Happiness Is A Choice!
This is an article I wrote almost seven years ago. I am posting it for #ThrowbackThursday, as a reminder of a lesson we must all...
It Starts with a Question
This past Saturday, I was presenting my Power of CARE training to a group of parent leaders. While we were discussing the "Choices"...
Understanding Your Brand
For this #ThrowbackThursday, here is an old article from seven years ago that still holds true. Thursday, February 11, 2010 Understanding...
4 Things Organizations Can Learn from a Silent Marriage
Also published on LinkedIn I just came across an article about a married couple in Japan, where for more than 20 years, the husband has...
Your Then, Someone Else's Now
We all know that phrase: I wish I knew then what I know now. We've all probably said it at least once in our lives. But what we often...
4 Lessons Learned from a Bag of M&M's
Did you know that M&M’s is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year? I’ve had a special relationship with M&M’s over the past decade. I...
Time and Money: Nonprofit Board Attributes
I've reported to boards, I've worked with boards, and I've been a board member. In all of these capacities, I've made the same...
What Is A Facilitator?
The importance of having a great facilitator for focus groups and brainstorming sessions.
4 Reasons to Update Your Resume
Despite what I think is an obvious practice for any professional: updating your resume on a regular basis, many professionals’ resumes...