Online classes are a great way to "learn something new every day". Not only does this series of free webinars offered by Owens Burton Consulting allow you to increase your knowledge in a variety of areas (Leadership, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, etc.) these webinars are a way for you to experience a little of what OBC and Nadine Owens Burton have to offer.
These webinars are shortened versions of some of Nadine's most popular and well received workshops. Register for and attend one or several of these, and if you want to experience Nadine's trainings and keynotes in person, contact us to begin a conversation about your training needs and how she can meet and exceed your needs.

Leadership Webinars
Wed, Sep 27, 2017 12:00 PM EDT
The Importance of Program Governance In Head Start
Training of Policy Groups and Board members on their roles and responsibilities of Program Governance is a requirement. However, many programs neglect the importance of training ALL of their staff and volunteers on program governance and shared decision making.
I've always believed in the importance of empowering all staff and volunteers on the ins and outs of Program Governance. They can't "sell" it if the don't understand it. And it is the job of every staff person to recruit and mentor parents and community partners in their shared decision making roles.
This webinar gives an introduction to some of the Program Governance training presented in the Owens Burton Consulting Seminar on the subject. Use it as a continuous learning opportunity, or as an introduction to this wonderful seminar before you bring it to your Head Start/Early Head Start organization.

Marketing Webinars
Fri, Sep 22, 2017 12:00 PM EDT
Marketing for Non-Profits
Marketing is about telling a really great story. For non-profits, you should already have a great story. You are attempting to improve our world in some way. But that doesn't mean the process is simple or easy.
This webinar is a introduction to the basics of Marketing for non-profit organization. We shall cover a little of what marketing is and some of what it is not. It will help understand how your marketing needs to have a common theme, but be individualized to the various marketing segments/audiences you are trying to reach.
Attend this webinar for a taste of what you can receive from a much more intense and robust seminar on Marketing for Non-Profits.

Entrepreneurship Webinars
Tue, Oct 10, 2017 12:00 PM EDT
The Power of CARE in Entrepreneurship
When we care, it should show. It should show in the CHOICES we make, the ATTITUDE we project, the RELATIONSHIPS we cultivate and the EFFORT we exert. What do you care about? Does it show?
This is a version of one of OBC's proprietary themes: The Power of CARE.
This dynamic quality improvement framework can be customized for you as a keynote speech or a one, two or multi-day seminar. The Power of CARE™ has been presented to teach Leadership, Customer Service, Change Management, Entrepreneurship, “Being a Caring Church”, Parenting, Professionalism and more.
In this case, this webinar is an abbreviated presentation, focusing on what it means to care about being a budding entrepreneur.
This is an excellent workshop for college students studying entrepreneurship, those individuals aspiring to start their own business, or early entrepreneurs looking for a reminder of why they started their business and some ideas to increase their probability of success.

Non-Profits Webinars
Fri, Sep 22, 2017 12:00 PM EDT
Marketing for Non-Profits
Marketing is about telling a really great story. For non-profits, you should already have a great story. You are attempting to improve our world in some way. But that doesn't mean the process is simple or easy.
This webinar is a introduction to the basics of Marketing for non-profit organization. We shall cover a little of what marketing is and some of what it is not. It will help understand how your marketing needs to have a common theme, but be individualized to the various marketing segments/audiences you are trying to reach.
Attend this webinar for a taste of what you can receive from a much more intense and robust seminar on Marketing for Non-Profits.