You’ve heard the phrase Party with a Purpose, which connotes an event that goes beyond entertainment and seeks to raise money and/or awareness for a charity or cause. I am doing a variation of this theme and present to you Publish with a Purpose.
As part of the pre-sale activities for the publication of my book – What Color Is Your Imagination? – I am highlighting three organizations and causes that mean a great deal to me.
When you purchase a book during this pre-sale period, February 1st through 28th, if you use one of the special discount code for one of the three following organizations, not only will you receive a 10% discount, but $1.00 per book purchased under that promotional code will be donated to that non-profit organization.
Click the image to be taken to the Introduction page to read a preview of the book.
The Organizations

National Head Start Association www.NHSA.org
I was a Head Start Director for a little over five years. I served as the Acting Executive Director for the Maryland Head Start Association for over seven years. Through my company I still work with a variety of Head Start programs. I know the importance of the work that is being done to support low-income children and families.
The inspiration for my book and the first presentation of its lessons came when I was a Head Start Director. It is only fitting that during this time of promotion and publishing that I include Head Start in some way.
Use Promo Code: HEADSTART

American Cancer Society www.cancer.org
Unfortunately, my family knows far too well the impact cancer can have. My mother lost her battle with metastatic breast cancer when she was just fifty-nine years old. My mother-in-law, who I am sure would have lived to be one hundred she was in such great health otherwise, failed to reach that milestone due to metastatic liver cancer when she was a few months shy of her ninety-sixth birthday.
The important research and resources that the American Cancer Society provides not only moves us closer to finding cures for cancer, they aide those who are currently dealing with the challenges of the disease.

United Negro College Fund www.uncf.org
My husband and I are both alums of HBCUs; as is my sister, and countless cousins covering several generations. While not all of the colleges and universities represented among my family and friends are supported by the UNCF, I wished to recognize and support the impact the organization is having on educating the leaders of the future.
Use Promo Code: UNCF

All of the logos used are the property of the individual non-profits and are used solely for the purpose of clearly identifying the charities that will benefit from this Publish with a Purpose project and are not meant to indicate any official business partnership with the three non-profits.