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Click here to register for one of my upcoming information sessions for prospective sponsors.

for coming!





The Nadine Owens Burton

YouTube Channel

This is not the typical tiered sponsorship program. 

This sponsorship allows you not only specific

entitlement benefits, but also the opportunity to

customize the partnership to meet your marketing

and public relations goals.


Your Sponsorship Shall Put You In the Role of 

Producing Partner of This YouTube Channel

Sponsorship is about marketing and increasing public awareness.  When it comes to marketing and public relations, content is king.  That content should be about storytelling and relationship building.  Your sponsorship will enable you to showcase your college through storytelling.  This will not be "in your face advertising" to your target audiences or just adding a logo at the end of a video.  It will be about relationship building by positioning your current faculty, staff, and alumni communities as experts in various fields and by sharing their experience with the channel audiences.


The Shows

Cooking with History Logo Option 3.png
My Life in 5 Logo.png
WCIYI 3D Book.png
The Promising Professional Logo.jpg

The Process

Working Together


You will select 1-3 college/campus reps who will receive regular notifications of upcoming shows and segments for which you can offer experts and guests.


Each quarter you will be offered the opportunity to pitch story ideas for shows, for which someone from your community can be highlighted.


You will be notified of upcoming shows for which you can be a highlighted sponsor, where you can announce special promotions.

All Sponsors

Will be listed on the channel website and in the credits of all videos during your sponsorship year.  Plus, we shall work together to customize your other benefits.


Need more information?  I've set up two webinar sessions to share with you more information about me, my experiences, plans for the channel and how you can benefit as a sponsoring partner.




The Investment

The Sponsorship Fee of $5,000 is split into two (2) payments; one now, and the next in six months. 

This sponsorship partnership represents a tremendous potential value. 


There will be a limited number of HBCU Sponsors, only (15) fifteen.  Therefore, there is the opportunity for creating a deep and diverse relationship between the sponsors and the channel audience.  The benefits to your community are substantial.


Successful YouTube channels can command sponsorship rates as little as $500 per video to tens of thousands of dollars per video.  As the audience of this channel increases, the rates for sponsoring of individual shows and segments will increase.  As a founding sponsor of the channel, your rate is locked in for a year.  Furthermore, after the first sponsorship year is complete, you will be given the right of first refusal to again be among the limited number of sponsors.  Likewise, your early entry investment in this project will be reflected in your rate for renewal in year two.


Investment of Human Resources


You will get the most from your sponsorship if you also invest your time.  You will be responsible for offering people and ideas for shows.  To get the most for your sponsorship investment, you have to also take the steps to help me tell your stories.



Your Community Benefactors 


Benefits for

Faculty & Staff

An avenue for your faculty and staff to showcase their research and expertise. 


Benefits for

Prospective Parents

A venue for the parents of prospective students to learn what your HBCU has to offer.


Benefits for


An opportunity for your alumni to promote their businesses and professionalism.


Ready to Sponsor?

If what you've read so far motivates you to action now, you can purchase one of the 15 sponsorships through the OBC store right now.

Otherwise, I will see you at one of the information sessions.

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